Top 10 Most Amazing Random Facts that will definitely lift-off your brain...!

Top 10 Most Amazing Random Facts that will definitely lift-off your brain...!

Fact no. 1 - National Symbol as Unicorn

Unicorn is a mythical character which is linked to Scotland for centuries. Moreover, Scottish people are well-known for their adoration of myths and many traditional legends.

Its first time use dates back to the reign of William 1 in the 12th century.

Do you know why is this a very valuable symbol for the Scottish people? It represents the symbol of power & purity & maintaining that, it is also very popular for it being highly 'independent' and 'fiercely uncontrollable'. Amazing part is that they even celebrate National Unicorn Day every year on 9th April.

Fact no. 2 - The drifting away of the moon

Scientists have found that moon is continuously drifting away from the Earth at the rate of 3.8cm every year, which is so small a difference that this movement would be unnoticeable for centuries. This 4.5 billion years of journey has brought him so far. Moreover, it is expected that it will continuosly drift apart in this way for over next 50 billion years. 
Can you imagine? By the time this journey is fully covered the moon would be taking around 47 days to orbit around our planet rather than the usual 27.3 days.

Fact no.3 - Why are bananas curved in shape? 

Since childhood you may have taken inside a numerous bananas but have you ever wondered why is it curved in shape? 
This is because of a phenomenon called negative geotropism. It means that showing growth against the force of gravity or growing upward in direction. This famous act gives this delicious yellow fruit it's familiar shape...

Fact no.4- Were carrots originally purple in color?

Then the answer is YES. Carrots were originally purple, white or, at some places, yellow in colour until the 16th or 17th century.

But in those years, the Dutch cultivators genetically modified this thin root vegetable thus giving it it's familiar orange color.

The reason behind may be to make this species richer in beta carotene which changed its pigment from purple to orange. But many claim that Dutch did this as a tribute to the king William Orange - who led the struggle of Dutch independence.

Fact no.5 - Why do chefs have 100 folds in their hat?

You all must have seen the peculiar hat of chef whenever you have made a visit to any restaurant. But have you ever wondered why do they were such kind of hats? why are some tall and some small? or why it has 100 folds on it?

The height of the towering hats shows the rank of the chef with the tallest one possessed by the head. Moreover, it is designed in such a way so to avoid the fall of any hair or dirt from the head of the chef. It further has 100 folds to symbolise the 100 ways to make an egg! 

Chefs usually wear a type of uniform which is mostly undyed in colour because it shows the neatness with which the dish is prepared.

Fact no.6 - The brain of Albert Einstein is stolen within 7 and a half hours of his death..!

Albert Einstein, the renowned scientist and mathematician, might possessed a unique brain. So unique that even when he died on 18th of April 1955, the pathologist on function, Thomas Stoltz  Harvey stole it within 7 and a half hours of his death. 

Though Einstein didn't want his brain or body to be studied but Harvey took it away without his permission or even his family members. He then preserved it with himself for over next 4 decades. 

Fact no.7 - Why is it illegal to have a guinea pig in Switzerland?

Back to Switzerland again. On first coming through this, you might assume it to be one of the silliest laws ever...! But the act is one of a kind.

Guinea pigs are social creatures who need interaction with there tribe members in order to be happy so this European country has made it illegal for any one to keep a single pig moreover they consider it to be animal abuse! 

This is a great step 

Fact no.8 - Your blood turns green underwater!

Imagine you're diving under the sea and suddenly you get a scratch from sharp underwater bushes. Then don't get shocked to see the green-colored blood coming out from the wound. 

Yes, this is a true fact and have a good scientific explanation too... You all must have heard that different colors of light travels at different speeds. So, when you are under the water then the red being the slowest gets the first color to be filtered out. That means, there is no red light to bounce off at your eyes present underwater. Instead, green colour dominates the red and makes you see that a green-colored blood is coming out from your body.

Moreover, if you continously go deeper then you'll find that green is further dominated by black as water filters out green at great depths.

Fact no.9 - Who invented the Phythagoras Theorem?

To say honestly, the credit goes to the great Indian scientist and Vedic Rishi "Bayudhayana" who was first one to propose its idea and work to write on Phythagoras Theorem.

Afterwards Phythagoras visited southern India and lived here to learn various Indian texts. By this time, people said that he came through the Bayudhayana scripts and adopted his idea while mentioning it to be his! 

This can even be proved as the Indians founded and used it as well as wrote this theorem on stones a thousand years before the Greeks claim to be founded by them. Moreover, at that time Greek philosophers visited India in huge numbers to read and adopt Indian subjects.

Fact no.10 - The man with purple skin - Paul Karason

Paul Karason was known as 'Papa Smurf' due to his blue skin. The change in his skin colour happened after he took dietary supplements as part of dermatitis treatment. He observed the change after having the supplements for about a decade. His skin colour made him an overnight internet sensation. The bluish hue is associated with argyria. The condition was permanent.

I hope you liked the post!! Thanks for reading...


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